1. Prerequisites
Version of PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL13
Target Machine: CentOS7
Host Machine: Windows10
2. Preparation in target machine
Hereinafter we assume your username is postgres. Perform the follwing steps in target machine according to [1]
(1) Download sources of PostgreSQL from official website and change directory
wget https://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/source/v13.0/postgresql-13.0.tar.gz
tar -xzvf ./postgresql-13.0.tar.gz
cd ./postgresql-13.0
(2) Install optional softwares as your environment
sudo yum install readline-devel zlib-devel systemd-devel
(3) Configure. In the following, “–with-systemd” is for register postgresql service
./configure –enable-debug –with-systemd –prefix=/usr/local/pgsql
(4) Remove a flag which means code optimization from “src/Makefile.global”
CFLAGS = -Wall (…) -fexcess-precision=standard -g -O2
CXXFLAGS = -Wall (…) -g -O2
CFLAGS = -Wall (…) -fexcess-precision=standard -g
CXXFLAGS = -Wall (…) -g
(5) Execute build and install
sudo make install
(6) (Optional) Set search path for shared libraries for PostgreSQL
sudo /sbin/ldconfig /usr/local/pgsql/lib
(7) To set Path for PostgreSQL, append ~/.bach_profile or /etc/profile the following lines
export PATH
(8) Create data directory. Hereinafter we call this direcroty <datadir>
mkdir <datadir>
(9) Initialize database
initdb -D <datadir>
(10) Create service unit file “/etc/systemd/system/postgresql-13.service” as follow
[Unit] Description=PostgreSQL13 database server Documentation=man:postgres(1) [Service] Type=notify User=postgres ExecStart=/usr/local/pgsql/bin/postgres -D <datadir> ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID KillMode=mixed KillSignal=SIGINT TimeoutSec=0 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
(11) (Optional) Configure the system automatically boot postgresql-13 services at boot
sudo systemctl enable postgresql-13
(12) Start postgresql-13 service
sudo systemctl start postgresql-13
(13) Connect to PostgreSQL
psql -U postgres
(14) Create sample table and insert sample data into the table in psql terminal
create table t1(id integer, name text);
insert into t1 values(1, ‘hoge1’);
insert into t1 values(2, ‘hoge2’);
(15) Show the pid of PostgreSQL server in psql terminal
select pg_backend_pid();
3. Preparation in host machine
(1) According to [3] etc., install Visual Studio Code and set up for remote development using extensions, Remote-SSH, C/C++, etc.
(2) Select [Run]>[Add Configuration] and add the following configuration to “launch.json”
“name”: “(gdb) Attach”,
“type”: “cppdbg”,
“request”: “attach”,
“program”: “/usr/local/pgsql/bin/postgres”,
“processId”: “${command:pickProcess}”,
“MIMode”: “gdb”,
“setupCommands”: [
“description”: “Enable pretty-printing for gdb”,
“text”: “-enable-pretty-printing”,
“ignoreFailures”: true
4. Debugging
(1) In host machine, select [Run]>[Start Debugging] and select pid of 2.(14)
(2) In host machine, view [Breakpoints] and set a breakpoint on any function, for example, planner.
(3) In target machine, start sample query, for example, “select * from t1 where id = 1”. If you can see PostgreSQL server stopping at planner() in planner.c, debugging success..
5. References
[1] PostgreSQL official document, Chapter 16. Installation from Source Code https://www.postgresql.org/docs/13/installation.html
[2] PostgreSQL source file browser
[3] Remote Development using SSH
[4] Configuring C/C++ debugging