1. Prereuities
OS: CentOS7
PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL13.0
Docker version 20.10
2. What I want to set up
Publisher: container postgres13-server1, database testlrep, replication user repuser, table t1
Subscriber: container postgres13-server2, database testlrep, table t1
3. Creating Docker containers
(1) Install Docker and Docker images of PostgreSQL13 according to e.g. [1]
(2) Creating Docker containers by the following commands
docker run -d --name postgres13-server1 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 15432:5432 -v /tmp/pgsql13/data1:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres:13-alpine
docker run -d --name postgres13-server2 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 15432:5432 -v /tmp/pgsql13/data1:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres:13-alpine
(3) Get IP address of containers
docker exec -it postgres13-server1 /bin/bash
bash-5.1# hostname -i
bash-5.1# exit
4. Creating databases and Setup
(1) connect to database on postgres13-server1
psql -U postgres -h -p 15432
(2) create database on postgres13-server1 and setup
create database testlrep;
\c testlrep
create table t1(col1 integer primary key);
create table t2(col1 integer primary key);
create replication role repuser with password '<password>'
grant connect on testlrep to repuser;
grant select on t1 to repuser;
grant select on t2 to repuser;
(3) connect to database on postgres13-server2
psql -U postgres -h -p 15433
(4) create database on postgres13-server2 and setup
create database testlrep;
\c testlrep
create table t1(col1 integer primary key);
create table t2(col1 integer primary key);
5. Setup logical replication
5.1 Setup in publisher
(1) Change wal_level setting to the following in /tmp/pgsql13/data1/postgresql.conf
wal_level = logical
(2) Add an authentication setting to the following in /tmp/pgsql13/data1/pg_hba.conf
host all repuser md5
(3) create publication using psql
create publication mypub for table t1;
5.2 Setup in subscriber
create subscription using psql. <ip_address> is ip which you get in 3.(3).
create subscription mysub connection 'dbname=testlrep host=<ip_adress> user=repuser password=<password>' publication mypub;
5.3 Check whethe logical replication works or not
(1) Insert data to publisher
psql -U postgres -h -p 15432 -c "insert into t1 values(1)"
psql -U postgres -h -p 15432 -c "insert into t2 values(1)"
(2) Select data from subscriber. You should only t1 contains value “1”.
psql -U postgres -h -p 15433 -c "table t1"
psql -U postgres -h -p 15433 -c "table t2"
6. References
[1] Using PostgreSQL on Docker
[2] PostgreSQL13 official document, Chapter 30. Logical Replication, 30.9. Quick Setup