ElasticSearch is implemented in Java language. So, we need build and debug tools in Java language. I show build and debug procedures using Java build tool Gradle and Java integrated development environment Intellij IDEA.
1. Prerequisites
Version of Elasticsearch: Elasticsearch 7.10
Target Machine and Host Machine: Windows10(same machine)
2. Building Elasticsearch
Installi Gradle which is a Java build tool.
(1) Install Oracle JDK11 from the following link
(2) Install Gradle according to the following link procedures
(3) Download ElasticSearch sources from the following link. Hereinafter we call the directory whch download to <top>.
(4) Execute the following command to build Elasticsearch at commandline with working directory <top>
gradlew.bat localDistro
3. Debugging Elasticsearch
(1) Install Java integrated development environment IntelliJ IDEA community edition from the following link
(2) Open ElasticSsearch project using Intellij IDEA selecting <top>
(3) Select [Run]>[Debug Elasticsearch] in Intellij IDEA
(4) Execute the following comannd at commandline with working directory <top>
gradlew.bat run –debug-jvm
(5) Install curl
(6) Create a breakpoint at validate() method of IndexRequest class in <top>/server/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/action/index/IndexRequest.java
(7) Execute the following comannd at commandline.
curl -X POST “http://elastic:password@localhost:9200/my-index-000001/_doc?pretty” -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d “{\”title\”: \”test document\”}”
(8) If you see that Elasticsearch stops at (6) breakpoint, your Debugging insert command successes.
(9) Create a breakpoint at start() method of AbstractSearchAsyncAction class in <top>/server/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/action/search/AbstractSearchAsyncAction.java
(10) Execute the following comannd at commandline.
curl -X POST “http://elastic:password@localhost:9200/my-index-000001/_doc?pretty” -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d “{\”title\”: \”test document\”}”
(11) If you see that Elasticsearch stops at (9) breakpoint, your Debugging search command successes.
4. References
[1] Contributing to elasticsearch